Boyfriend of 7 months no longer mentions future should I be worried?

We have had several small argument I would say in the past few months. I get over them quickly and feel like we've resolved them but I'm thinking he doesn't feel that way. Around 4 or 5 months he told me he thought our relationship was too good to be true at times but he just pushes the thoughts away, he was in a long-term relationship with a mean woman before me, and he was just waiting a certain amount of time to hit milestones. Now when I bring up the future he cracks jokes or changes a subject. Has he changed his mind about me and just won't say it?


Maybe? But I suggest you just not over do pushing the envelope. If he feels like he's being pressured, he'll shut down even more than he's already done. So, just fixate and focus on having fun. Never mind the future because if he sees he's having a ball with you,he may consider a more permanent relationship with you. Good luck and Happy Holidays!


Maybe he sees no need to bring up the future, and would prefer to live in the present. Take a cue.


Who knows. He may not focus too much on the future and previous to live in the present.

