How big is 7.14 x 5.36 for cross stitching?

As seen by my question, I am a true dunce when it come to maths and sizing.

I do not want to waste fabric by guessing.

The pattern shows a small picture, but due to my pure stupidity, I fear it will be the opposite.

I used my tape measure, but am fluxed with the 14 and 36 inch part and would appreciate some help


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I'm not sure how best to help, but responding to your comment, it means that if you covered the item with one inch squares you'd need about 39 of them.
*If* the measurements you quote are full size, then it means a piece of fabric 8 inches by 6 inches would suffice. I'm sure fabric suppliers don't supply fabric precisely to one-hundredth of an inch.
Does it say anywhere "this picture is half (or whatever) actual size"?
Edit: is the picture covered in squares so that you can say "the pattern is (say) 140 stitches wide and (say) 65 stitches tall"? If so, then you should get a piece of fabric big enough to accommodate those number of stitches. Small stitch size, small fabric: big stitch, big fabric.

(You don't know much maths, I don't know anything about cross stitch. What could possibly go wrong..)

Fazaldin A2016-12-26T12:12:30Z

7.14 x 5.36 = 38.2704. <--------------------------/