Why do we have a rating system for movies, video games and TV but not books?

It's not as if books are somehow less violent or sexually explicit. Like think about Fifty Shades of Gray--wasn't the movie given an R rating? Why wasn't the book?


Exactly what J-Dawn said.

Furthermore, movies, videos and games are visual in the sense you can actually see what's happening. In books you are reading words and are left to your own imagination.


All above are true and there is a classification system, it is not as universal as the others.

Books stores can pull books that do not meet local standards and restrict sales as they wish.


Because unlike your average moviegoer or video game player, people who read books are intelligent enough not to need such a stupid system.

Mark big sky boat man2016-12-28T04:13:23Z

Does seem unfair, but you have to be good enough at reading to appreciate the book, which is a sort of inbuilt restriction. Not that it is a very good book.


The pearl-clutching f#ckwits who invented the ratings systems for media don't read books. Thank the stars.

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