Question regarding Joseph Shulam's eduction?

There is a "Messianic Jew" who operates in Israel by the name of Joseph Shulam.
I have two questions regarding his educational background.

In his own bio on his website, he mentions that he attended an Orthodox Yeshiva in Jerusalem for 3 years. However, unlike other institutions he studied at, this yeshiva is not identified.
So, why would there be this omission on his own website?

Secondly, doing some research, other websites bio of him do identify the yeshiva as the Diaspora Yeshiva and that he studied there in the 1970s.
Has anyone verified that he studied there? The reason I ask is because I find it hard to believe that a yeshiva would allow him to study there if he was a known "Messianic Jew".


Favorite Answer

Jews do not believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ,if he was a Messianic Jew at the time of his Orthodox Jewish education he was not open about it


education, not eduction. two different words - get it right.