He just really doesn't understand he violated me?

We're a couple in our 20's .we have a family (2kids). And he just really doesn't get that he made me feel bad .he literally started having sex with me while I was sleeping .he could have just woken me up and asked me . I feel like he needs my permission to touch no matter the circumstances .I told him how I felt but he just laughed about it. The later on he said he was sorry (I know it wasn't genuine though). What can I do to make him understand me ?


You need to sit him down and firmly tell him that it wasn't acceptable and that even though he is your husband , he needs to learn to respect you. He can't just start doing whatever he wants whenever he wants , that's not what marriage is about . It's about love and understanding. If he loves you, he'll respect what you're saying.


that is extremely vile. and what's worse is that he laughed about it.. no man should ever have sex with a lady or anyone without consent even if they're a couple. find a serious time to talk to him about this, tell him that you were asleep & that it was a violation of ur body that is precious n sacred n that if he ever wanted sex, he could have just ASKED.


Sit him down, give him direct eye contact, and speak in a firm voice. Let him know that you felt violated and that it is not okay


your his wife, he has needs, is it bad he has sex with you? idk how girls can sleep through that. quit being like that he could cheat if he wanted to.