Do you want to know the purpose of all the questions being copied from years ago?

They are now answering each other's questions and will probably be awarded Best Answer. This question was copied and my answer was plagiarized:


The reply from the troll who plagiarized my answer has now been deleted. Sincere thanks to all of you who helped by reporting it!

THE BANNIBAL ONE2017-01-15T20:01:20Z

It may be to make the site appear busier than it is.
Someone copied my question from 5 years ago,
along with the poem that went with it.
No one strange answered and no BA was awarded.

Blue Sky2017-01-15T16:05:15Z

Same here. Ive seen some of my answers copied and pasted in the past few months. It just makes me laugh that people could be so pathetic. One person who copied one of my answers even got a best answer for it.


Sometimes the users resemble robots.