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I have and it was written in the stars!
There are two sources that talk about soulmates:
(1) Psychology. Discussions the emotional qualities of having a "soulmate."
According to psychology, the more chemistry there is at the start, the worse the problems will be. The more you end up being unhappy with them.
Only 12.5% of all marriages end up being happy AND lasting, and it takes the couple 20 years to figure out how to make it work, once the short-term "infatuation" ("romantic love") has DIED out.
(2) Yoga philosophy. This is where the term "soul mates" comes from.
They say most of us do not have soulmates.
That soul mates are two souls who have decided to increase their soul-purpose .. spiritual growth. Which means learning that NOTHING but union with the Divine makes us happy. So while soul "recognize" each other when they first meet ... their purpose together is to make each other utterly miserable, through one lifetime to another, until both give up seeking happiness from love.
Neither version of "soulmates" says it will be a happy relationship, no matter how deluded you are about it at the start.
I myself know two couples who claim to be soulmates, apparently remembering past lives together. They are both abusive unhappy relationships and no one can figure out WHY they stay together. One of them, it is the wife who is abusive. The other, it is the man .. and the wife divorced him after 45 years together and stress-related illnesses that almost killed her.
I'm still looking for mine.
What about you ?
I have
some days I would say yes, but others I wonder why in the heck are we together