Would you reply to a love letter from a friend you don't feel the same way about?

My male friend that is currently in the friend zone sent me this love letter in the mail. I don't know if I should send him a honest response, ignore it, or just send a "thank you," card. We don't text, but we do message each other online sometimes. We've been friends since August, and his birthday is at the end of this week. He lives several states away from me.


Favorite Answer

If you haven't already discussed this with him, then do so. (I assume you have already based on friend zoned). If you have, then he isn't listening, and you need to nip this in the bud. I would end the contact, the relationship, it's heading in to scary, creepy stalker town.


Reply with a Birthday card


I vote for the honest response option.

Almost the exact thing happened to me when I was 19. I wrote a girl a love letter, and she wrote me back a letter explaining that she didn't feel the same. Sure, that hurt, but she did me a favor by letting me know.


Be homest with him and yell him you dont feel the same

