Shuttle & hotels near Clearwater/ St Petersburg Florida Airport (PIE) for cruise?
We are flying from CLT (Charlotte, NC) to PIE Airport for a cruise in April. Our flight arrives at PIE around 11PM on 4/14/17. Our cruise departs the following day 4/15/17 at 4PM. So we are just wanting somewhere to crash for a few hours. Nothing fancy by any means. We was wanting others experience and opinions. Is there a shuttle or other transportation to go from the airport to a close cheap hotel and then how to get transported to the cruise terminal? We are renting a car to drive back after the cruise from Enterprise and we know they will pick us up after the cruise to get a rental. Our main concern is before the cruise not after. Any opinions? I will pick the best answer!
(BTW: Florida must have tons of car rentals they want sent to other states LOL. For us to rent a car there and return it the next day in North Carolina is only $13 bucks with Enterprise!!? Vise versa is over $300!!!)