Should atheist be happy over the Muslim ban?

Less religious people in the country


Favorite Answer

Atheists are generally more humane that regionists


Absolutely not. Is Trump too stupid to realize the consequences? It is exactly the kind of racist and degrading reactions that terrorists are waiting for: discriminations so unjusts that it will push some people right into their ranks, and put others in a difficult position in their own country: how dare he claiming to be the president of all Americans when he does chose to designate some citizens as scapegoats and pariahs? Moreover,at the international, the result is already beginning to be seen: certain leaders propose to apply the principle of reciprocity and to close the borders to all the Americans. Well done, nice diplomatic crisis ..
And it seems to me that some federal judges have ruled on the fact that this decree does not respect the constitution.

Ernest S2017-01-29T22:44:46Z

Islam is a political ideology disguised as a religion to obtain control. It has murder and lying as essential tenets, which things are political measures, as we all know and recognise from politicians. It is also only maintained by violence. Just take a look at Muslim countries. It is also rabidly antisemitic.

In fact Winston Churchill, who had intimate knowledge and experience of Islam, compared it to rabies. He allowed individual exceptions but otherwise it was like having rabies. Not something our self righteous, hypocritical and foolish moderns who don't have to suffer under it, want to hear, is it?

Now that violence and trouble is spreading abroad.

It is extreme foolishness to welcome in an ideology that is intolerant and would destroy the hosts and their ways of life to replace with itself.

Isn't it time to wake up? Or will many only wake up when it is too late?

Elsie Treize2017-01-29T22:39:37Z

No. Most atheists are strong proponents of human rights. Also, Muslims have not been banned. People from certain Muslim majority countries have been banned. So an Iranian Christian would be banned. An Iranian (closet) atheist would be banned.


Good point,dude.

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