School is getting boring and taking up all my time.?
School is getting boring. I'm in 10th and I don't even give A **** about my grades. I get around 83 or so on my report cards. The only reason I do that well is because my parents care about my grades but I don't care myself honestly. I have a few friends, and then there are the other annoying people who crowd the hall. When I'm trying to get to a class and they are in my way I push them out of my way. The classes are boring. There is only 2 classes I like, sometimes 3 cause one class is interesting sometimes. School gets in the way of me traveling and learning from the actual world. Don't tell me dumb sh¡t like you cant travel without a job and you can't get a job without school. Yes you can, it is possible. I don't want school. I want to either travel or live on an island and build my own hut....maybe get electricity.(ik ik how will I pay for electricity and property tax) but I'll deal with that later down the road. You may need school to travel (maybe). But you don't have to go to school to live on an island. No I am not depressed, I am happy outside of school. When I missed a week to visit family in Dominican Republic I felt my best, I was so ***¡ng happy in that place, felt so good to visit. I just wish I went to a school that traveled like suit life on deck, or lived on an island.