playstation took my money?

I bought a psn membership for 3 months I also got a game watchdogs 2. I put the month in and got the game through the store. I hade like 11 to 200 if I recall left over. I seen my membership was almost over so I got ready to renew it. I looked at my wallet on the psn store and it had 1$. My account was renewd online withought my knowldge. THEY TOOK ALL MY CASH!! I looked for how tp get a refund and cant find anything but how to turn that feature off. Wich I have now done but how do I get a refund om all my money. This is honestly criminal to take money out my account without me knowing

Bone Alone2017-02-05T04:28:49Z

Read the terms of service. It says Sony will automatically renew your membership unless you cancel your membership.

All renewal services works the same way. Xbox live does it. Netflix does it. Hulu does it. Apple Music does it. Amazon prime does it.

You might be able to get part of your money back. Contact Sony and ask for a refund.