Would cancer show up?

Would lymphoma show up on a bone marrow biopsy even if it's the lymphoma is only in your lymph nodes not in your bone marrow? Cuz my glands have been swollen for over 6 months and my doctor ordered a MRI on neck and the MRI showed something wrong with the bone marrow. So that's when he ordered a bone marrow biopsy and it showed nothing was wrong but I'm very concerned because I have hard lumps in back of my neck.


We know. You keep creating new accounts over and over to keep posting the same insane and childish rants over and over. Grow up and stop acting as if your life is over if you don't have cancer.


If you had a scan that would indicate a bone marrow issue, then the scan would have shown if there were issues with the lymph nodes.


Make an appointment with you doc again and ask about getting the lymph nodes or lymph fluid biopsied. Lymphoma can be isolated within the lymph system in early stages.