Have you ever Chet your pants b4 :((((((((((((((?


I have. I was about 10. My parents left without telling me and I was locked out of our apartment. I had to go badly. I waited for about thirty minutes but couldn't hold it any longer, and just released the Kraken. It was one big log. I felt so relieved.

I stood there in my doorway, not knowing what to do, saying hi to a few passersby. Then I decided to go to Shakey's Pizza, which was nearby. I went in the side door after walking some 10 minutes with a heavy turd in my underwear. I didn't pee, which helped a little. I made it to Shakey's, and quickly went inside a stall. I took off my shoes, socks, pants, and underwear. I kept the doo-doo in the underwear. Man! It was huge. I cleaned myself as best I could, got dressed, and left quickly. I put my loaded underwear in the bathroom trash. When my parents returned, I ran inside and changed quickly. Later, I remember our apartment complex laundry room had a restroom, and it was down the sidewalk from our apartment. That was the last time I crapped myself.


Is that supposed to say sh^t? I have a question for you, have you ever been to school before?.