Senator Elizabeth Warren was cut off and told to sit down during the debate over the confirmation of Jeff Sessions. Any thoughts?

Senator Warren broke senate rules by impugning on the character of Senator Sessions. In response, she was sanctioned and told she could not speak further. Yet, Elizabeth Warren acts as if she is the injured party.

David S2017-02-09T18:08:03Z

Favorite Answer

Warren has been in the Senate long enough to know the rules. She chose to ignore them and was told to sit down. She has no reason to complain.


She is the injured party, so are we all. Sessions is up for AG he's there not as a senator but as a job applicant. The letter was relevant. It's been read before.
And it was read again. His dismissive and patronizing comments to her,
"She was warned, she was given an explanation. Nevertheless she persisted''.
Yes, she persisted in reading a letter from a woman who knew him and his attitudes.
Women should always persist in hearing all sides.
Lady Liberty isn't going back to France because trump won an election on a technicality. She's going to persist.

Wage Slave2017-02-09T14:29:34Z

But Cruz can call McConnell a liar on the Senate floor and that's fine. Warren quotes Coretta Scott King and she's rebuked.


... perfect example of liberal "logic".


She broke rules. She's just not used the there being consequences for her actions.

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