Why do people link AIDS with being gay?

I'm genuinely curious.
It honestly annoys me when people immediately associate it with being gay.
I, myself, am in a same sex relationship, but the only people I know that talk about HIV and AIDS are gay friends of mine, gay Facebook pages, and straight people that associate it with being gay.
It seems almost like its become a stereotype, and when its mainly the gay community addressing it, it personally doesnt help the matter.
I mean, sure, its always good to create awareness for such infections, but it seems to me like it is the ONLY infection/disease that the gay community addresses, which I think will only encourage homophobes to continue to call me, and other LGBT "AIDS ridden *******".
I hope you can understand what I am saying. I just feel like the LGBT community is emphasizing its own stereotype.

I'm not sure about any stats or anything. Is AIDS more common in the LGBT community? If so, why?

Sorry if this offends anyone in any sort of way. That definitely isn't what I am aiming for. Just wondering why the LGBT community emphasizes HIV and AIDS more than any other community (and in doing so, attracting the attention of homophobes).


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When it comes down to it, statistically gay people develop HIV/AIDs much more than straight people. It does not mean that we are more susceptible to getting it just by having sex, it just means that within the gay community there is a higher rate of people who engage in sexual behavior that puts them at a higher risk. (such as having unprotected sex with someone they do not really know)
The reason why I'm not against gay groups raising awareness about the disease is because it is absolutely necessary when you just look at the statistical facts. Yes of course straight people have just as many chances of getting AIDs if they have multiple unprotected sex partners, but the fact is that more gay people do that then straight. So we need to let people within our community know that having safe sex with someone you can trust is really the way to go in order to avoid putting oneself at high risk.
To you it may seem petty because maybe you would never consider having unprotected sex with someone who is virtually a stranger, but many people do this even while knowing the dangers that come along with that.
Of course calling gay people "AIDs ridden" is totally offensive and wrong because not all of us are like that. And I think even putting people down who have AIDs is totally wrong because we never know how they got that. They could have been raped or lied to for goodness' sake. Anyways, I hope what I said makes sense. Don't really take it to heart. Raising awareness about the disease never hurts anyone.

Alice in Genderland2017-02-25T09:04:26Z

The first major cases of AIDS in the country was identified in gay men. In fact, when it was first identified it was known as GRID, or Gay-related immuno-deficiency. At the time people were not aware that it was caused by HIV and believed it was related to the "gay-lifestyle." This misconception had long reaching consequences, including the modern connotation.

Currently, gay men DO have higher rates of HIV infection then straight people, which perpetuates the stereotype. This is in part due to anal intercourse having a higher transition rate. This is why it's important for everyone, especially gay men, to practice safe sex.



Because in the US - to which it came from Haiti - it primarily vectored through the gay community. It was a death sentence and lots of men became very worried about it. The community still fears and loathes it - and they should. They also led the response to it - as is appropriate as the whole world will benefit from its cure - and something on the neighborhood of 30 cancers have been identified to relate to related viruses AND will probably be cured by the development of a cure for AIDS

Saut de Chat2017-02-23T17:28:55Z

I'm a student and all of the biology textbooks I've read say something along the lines of "first cases of AIDS started primarily in gay men in San Francisco who were getting deadly illnesses that people with strong immune systems weren't otherwise susceptible to." It is a historical fact that when the virus started getting attention it was found to infect mostly gay men in SF & LA and was initially nicknamed gay cancer or GRID (Gay Related Immuno Deficiency). However, there is no proven fact that gay men have HIV or contract it more than straight people. It's a stereotype perpetuated by homophobes.


They associate it with being gay, BECAUSE so many gays died from it.

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