Why did Escape the Fate kick Ronnie Radke out?

Escape the Fate kicked Ronnie Radke out.
this is my favorite band, so i almost cried.
Does anyone Know why they did that.


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At the risk of sounding controversial here goes(BTW I'm a fan of ETF and Ronnie)....
i don't think Escape the Fate initially kicked Ronnie out, their management did. Ronnie posted a bulletin on myspace saying that Joe sirmmin(however you spell it) their manager kicked him out and that all of his fans should write an email to him saying that they will boycott etf if Ronnie isn't in the band...i think the band must have discussed this and to Ronnie's shock the rest of the band especially max backed their managements decision, this was probably due to a number of reasons not just the same reason everyone keeps quoting; being that he relapsed and started to use drugs again apparently worse then before, another reason i think played a factor is that he cant leave the country(meaning no touring outside of the US, last year the band had to pull out of the Australian TOC) Due to an ongoing case involving him which wasn't resolved until last week the 8/01/08, , so i think(strictly my opinion) maybe they want to be able to move forward but he was kinda holding them back, so that's why they decided to let him go.


because they are *****! but its all good now cause falling in reverse is awesome😙

Regit Nairebis2017-02-23T18:15:08Z

He went to prison for a while, and so the others decided to kick him out and keep going with the band. Ronnie then formed his own band, Falling in Reverse.


Because he went to prison.