sand is a solid why it sand can be poured?


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Sand is lots and lots of little solids (each grain of sand is a solid)
So if you put that one grain of sand in a container, it won't pour.

It's like saying if you put 100s of balls in a huge container, it will pour if the container is tipped. However it's not a liquid, just lots of little balls.

STEVEN F2017-02-26T00:58:53Z

Marbles are solids. Why can marbles be poured? It is more accurate to say INDIVIDUAL GRAINS of sand are solids, but not sand as a collection of grains.


For the same reason, sugar, salt and rocks can be poured.


Each grain of sand is a solid. When you have multiple grains of sand (or something like salt) you can pour it because each grain moves individually (not attached to the other grains) and the multiple grains move freely


grain size

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