Yahoo is not letting me edit my answer or question.?

I made a mistake on a question and now I go these a$$holes making fun of me instead of answering the question.


Your answers you can Edit if the Question has not Picked a Best Answer yet for it by clicking on the Edit Answer button under the Blue Edit Menu once a Best Answer is Picked it stays and you cant do anything about it

Your Question once you post it you can not delete what you already Posted you can however make a Correction to it under a Update as long as you have not Picked a Best Answer for it Click on the Add Details button under the Blue Edit Menu


All you post over and over is the same whiny rant. And each time all you do is highlight your childish nature. By rights your account should be banned if Yahoo were honestly moderated. Spamming the same question over and over is a violation of the rules of posting here. But I am willing to bet that you will not see that and will instead continue to post the same nonsense over and over to proudly display your ignorance. But now that I have pointed out how your history proves that you are a troll. The only change you will make is to start posting anonymously and hiding your history of posting the same thing over and over.

Son of T32017-02-28T19:47:34Z

You can not and have never been able to edit a question. You can click the edit button to add an update where you correct the goof. On older mobiles, you may need to use desktop mode.

You can edit answers at any time before the BA is picked. Click the blue edit button. Again, some mobiles require desktop mode.


I am not sure if this right but I heard that once you receive a reply for the question that you post, you cannot edit it


I fixed the spelling error and It didn't save the edit.