I'm gonna ask this again. Why is school useless?

I don't get this. I learn more outside the classroom. The class room does nothing but inflict alot of stress. Here are the plans test,... show more


http://www.rwm.org/rwm is helpful; otherwise, you can learn more from books like "The Answer You're Looking for Is inside You," "For Couples Only," and "Man, Master of His Destiny."


School is not for everybody. I struggled in School for twelve years. I attended different Schools. I couldn't maintain my grades. My School performance was very poor. Mostly straight E's. My poorest Subjects was Math and English. I repeated grade eight once and I also repeated Grade 9. Don't ask me why . Later in life. I was diagnosed with mild Asperger's Syndrome.


That is one of the biggest maladies of school. S T R E S S !!! They test you 5 days a week and almost all year round. I haven't been in school since the 70's but it was non stressful back then.