Why do Mexicans care if the US builds a wall on its side of the border?

The outrage doesn't make sense. For instance, if Mexico built a wall no one in the US would care. If Canada built a wall, Americans couldn't care less. And if American built a wall on the Canadian border, Canadians would just find it amusing. But a mention if a mexican border wall somehow causes marches, hysteria, anger, etc. I don't understand the mass protest.


From Mexico? Mostly because of Trump's high handedness is trying to say Mexico would Pay for the wall.


You can't be a nation of immigrants. Claim yourself the protector of freedom and equality, but build a wall to keep the undesirables out.

You will eventually stop being that welcoming nation. And that's fine. But don't preach you're about freedom, equality, 2nd chance, and democracy.

It reveals your hypocrisy.


because our wall will become a magnet for criminal activity on their side of the wall
Do you know what camp followers are ?


they don't...how would poor people even care anyway? vast majority of them will never see the wall, even from a distance, it's all fake news hyping things up..lying again

Randy the Atheist2017-03-01T22:10:29Z

Try building a wall on the Canadian border.

I doubt that no one would care.

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