Europeans or British people, does it look like the freedom of movement without visa in EU and the UK will really end after Brexit?

Hi. We don't see much news about Brexit here. I wonder what you guys here over in Europe and the UK.

They talked about it here right after Brexit but IDK what is going on now.

Do you think French and German people will eventually have to get visas to work and live in the UK and British people will have to get visas to work and live in Swiss and Germany in the near future? Or will they still keep the current freedom of movement after some debates?


Freedom of movement for tourists maybe O.K. but not for those seeking work or
benefits in the U.K. ,


I hope so we need to control who comes into the UK


Europeans OR British people?
I am European thanks. European and proud!


It most certainly will. Ending unrestricted immigration was one of the main reasons people voted to leave the EU. BTW we ARE considered to be part of the continent of Europe.

It is also a condition of the Single Market. The Single Market allows totally free trade with no Customs barriers or taxes, but what goes with it includes accepting regulations about it made in Brussels, and freedom of movement. Not wanting to accept law made outside the UK was another reason why people voted Leave, so all that has to go - it's all or nothing. "Hard Brexit" as it is being called.

It's possible to be in the Single Market without being in the EU. A few countries are and Switzerland (not "Swiss") is one of them. But this is not the government's plan - it's very clear that what the UK voted for is cutting all ties completely.

So yes, living and working in the remaining EU will require an immigrant visa afterwards, and the same for people from other EU countries to live and work in the UK.

As we speak, a Bill is going through Parliament to allow the government to tell the European Council "we're going" and start negotiations about a new trade deal and how it will all work afterwards. Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union allows 2 years for this so realistically, nothing will change until at least 2019.

Meanwhile, tourists will notice no difference. The UK never joined the Schengen Agreement, so there has never been passport-free travel between the UK and the rest of the EU. And it will be extremely unlikely that the UK and the EU will impose tourist visa requirements on each other. They never did before the UK joined the EEC (as it was called back in 1973).


The PM has advised that freedom of movement (part of being inside the EU) will end when Brexit happens - what will replace this is unconfirmed

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