Can someone help me with a story?

I've asked before but didn't quite get the help i needed. Can someone help me describe walking through an abandoned town? It's for a story I'm working on.


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I walked so long that barren night and in the distance I could see dark shadows. Were they demons awaiting my arrival? I shuddered at the thought and tried to think of the happier times. As I grew closer, my fears worstened. What would lie ahead of me? A safe haven, I've longed for one of those for so long now. Finally, I could see the mutilated and rusty sign to the right. Welcome to Pillsbury (Insert new name of town here XP) Population: 201. It was so dark out, I could barely see the writing. As I walked past the houses, I had hoped to find someone- anyone to take away the loneliness. But, there was not only nothing, there was no one. The houses drooped with years of disrepair and emptiness. The cobwebs swayed over windows and down porches, like long light veils of ignorance. It didn't take long to pass through this town. I ended up down at the City Hall- not a person in sight. I decided to take my chances and settle in there. I've taken this many chances, might as well take more.

I wasn't sure of the context of your novel but hope some of this helped! Just what I came up with for a few minutes lol.


Think of the busiest street in your city/, people..dogs, children..shoppers, bikes...horns, people talking, yelling...
Now...snap your fingers and every living thing has just's 3 months later and you're wandering the town...what do you see? discarded bikes? crashed cars? cob-webbed stop lights?.does the wind pick up the sound of a slamming door? The wind rustling the trees? Has rust settled in anywhere? It must have rained. Is there even any electricity? What's that noise coming from that building? A feral cat runs by..Do you feel eyes on you as you walk down the street? Is there someone looking at you from one of the darkened windows nearby. Was that a ghostly snicker or is it just your imagination gone wild as your silent tension builds as you slowly make your way down the street...The sun is going down, the dust from everywhere billows in the slight need to get out of there soon or you'll have to find shelter in this eerie place.
Etc etc...
What if you woke up one day and everyone in your neighbourhood disappeared...? Go for a walk in your mind during an imaginary dusk and see what you can see. Our imagination can be awesome and dangerous.
Good luck.