Renovating Buckingham Palace?

This building is to be renovated at a cost of £380 million (approx.) paid for by the British taxpayers the state country is in , NHS, care for the elderly , care for this , care for that . its a bit of a cheek . the queen is very rich , she should pay .


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RE :Renovating Buckingham Palace?
This building is to be renovated at a cost of £380 million (approx.) paid for by the British taxpayers the state country is in , NHS, care for the elderly , care for this , care for that . its a bit of a cheek . the queen is very rich , she should pay .
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Enough Trolls2017-03-21T08:36:59Z

Certainly - if the monarch is required to pay for this then the monarch is entitled to recover the whole of the Crown Estate and take the profit (tax free) from this poperty.


it is a public building, it does generate income from the tours and other uses made of it, this has been approved by the gov't and funds made available to do so


All the replies are bullshit.


The Queen generates a lot more income for the UK than the NHS does.

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