Wizards, can you turn your staff into a snake, like the Egyptian magicians in Exodus 7:12?? Moses was there..?

Uncle Fester2017-03-21T17:25:28Z

No, but I can turn my snake into a staff.


no they cannot.....JESUS WILL throw the devil into fire when the time comes bet on that..


Jannes and Jambres, who battled Moses and Aaron on behalf of the Pharaoh, were two of the most powerful wizards in legend. They even managed to use sorcery to ascend to heaven with the intention of battling God and the heavenly host. In the first heaven, they met and fought with the archangels Gabriel and Michael, and were evenly matched. Having reached a draw, they continued to ascend. In the third heaven, they met with the archangel Metatron who offered to them some of the pleasures of heaven, if they would only remove their amulets. They did but without their amulets they were powerless and Metatron cast them out of heaven.