I'm writing a story and I need help!?

The main character is injured and she is forced to watch a monster attack and kill her team. How can I go by describing her hearing their screams, and seeing them being attacked?

Elaine M2017-03-24T04:51:46Z

What kind of monster, what kind of situation?

Just put yourself in her position and imagine it all in real time.

The Lord Humungus.2017-03-24T02:20:21Z

Read more

Go read a book which deals with a similar scene. See how that author handled it.




You need to learn more to be a real writer. If you have no idea how to describe something then you aren't ready to write. Also having other people tell you how to write something is not really writing it yourself.

ALT RIGHT DELETE2017-03-24T01:48:39Z

You should watch the film Grizzy Man and fast forward to the bit where people watch the video of the dude getting eaten by bears. Then describe how they react