How can an Angel, or any entity, become evil?


Since nothing supernatural exists your question is moot.

Campbell Hayden2017-04-04T08:44:54Z

Through the self-justification of their own thoughts, actions, and intentions.

the internet2017-04-04T08:04:16Z

He does not have to do anything. It just takes one of us who doesn't like that entity or what it does.

Evil is not a trait of something or somebody. Evil is an opinion about something.

Think about Robin Hood. Whether he was a good man or an evil and dangerous criminal does not depend on what he did, it only depends on whether you see yourself as a rich person or not. It is your personal opinion.

Turn it up! Bring the Derp!!!2017-04-04T08:02:46Z makes for a better story.

Alan H2017-04-04T07:33:23Z

Free will

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