do i have to be famous to go to heaven?


its hard to like yourself when you barely have accomplished anything in your life no matter what your religion is its hard to believe even Christians can be rich and famous and you think their lives are better than mine


The fact of the matter, NO, God is not a respecter of persons. God judges your heart. What condemns a man to eternal death, it is his words, read James 3:6-8 read Hebrews 4:12


No, Al Capone was famous, but I doubt he was welcomed into Paradise.


Being famous has nothing to do with gaining the favor of God in Heaven.

Fame is simply that--worldly recognition and notoriety. And worldly matters typically don't appease God.

What God looks for is a humble, repentant heart that sees their sinfulness enough to lay them on the Cross, rich or poor, famous or unknown.

If that was required, all of the celebrities would gain an automatic ticket to Heaven.

Those who went to Heaven in the Bible would be what we considered low-ranked on the totem pole by societal standards. Many of the candidates of Heaven were tax collectors, whoremongers, thieves and yes, murderers. Some were even as poor as Lazarus from the Rich Man and Lazarus story.

If anything, a rich and famous person is much less likely to gain entrance into the Kingdom as they are likely to believe that their money and status are their security. Hence the saying that a camel has more of a chance fitting through the eye of a needle than a rich person does reaching Heaven.


You just have to pay 10% of your life to a preacher. Apparently that ensures your ticket.

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