Is Sunday actually the only day that people seem to show their spiritual side?


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Not for true Christians. Really it is a way of life. With Bible councel affecting evety phase of life. It guides us in showing how to have the fullest, best form of life. Motivating us for our best benefit.

Examine the 632 Mosaic Laws in the covenant with Israel. There were several sanitary and dietary laws protecting Israel from sickness from germs and bacteria. Humans were not aware of those until well past our US Civil War around 1865. We did not know, but 4,000 years ago, God did.

Looking closely, you will find all of God's laws are for our benefit.

The Sabbath was under the Mosaic Law. All it said was people to stop their normal work to appreciate as a family, God's wonderful creations, period.

At Matt. 5:17, Jesus explained, he came to GULFILL the Mosaic Law, not destroy it. With his human sacrifice, he did that. Now we are no longer under that Mosaic Law, with its Sabbath.

For True Christians, every day is one of wonder and giving thanks for all creation. Not just 1.

Alan H2017-04-09T19:17:26Z

Yeshua provides a relstionship every day.


Catholic parishes typically offer mass seven days a week, but the other six days have a nonspiritual mass?


That was the whole idea, to get holy on Sunday; the other days are for practical matters. If you get really really holy on Sunday that will tie you over on the other six days. This is why is was customary to kill a person who was doing stuff that wasn't holy on Sunday. (Then again what the hell do I know.)


That rather depends on one's religion, doesn't it?

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