Even the New Testament "Jesus" (actually an archon) admitted that the Old Testament "God" was a liar, so why do people worship him?

When talking to the Jews called the "god" of their fathers; the "god" of Abrahm a liar and the Father of lies. So why whorship the father of lies? John 8:44.


Favorite Answer

Since Abrahamists' (Judaists'/Christians'/Muslims') ‘God’ is a liar, they built up a mythology of lies. Abrahamists grew up being brainwashed by lies, so all they know is lies. Their religion is founded on lies and on some level they feel they need lies. Either that, or they are all just ignorant (the case anyway) and actually believe those. Also, those in power (archons) find it useful to lie to the masses.


The reference to the 'father of lies', is a reference to the devil.


the father of lies is Satan


The Old Lord punishes and some people like that sh t.

