If the Christian God is an entity (I Am -Ego - not Absolute), meaning it has death, what happens to Christian souls after death of God?

What happens to all these souls in Christian Paradise after the symbiotical relationship with the higher entity is gone?


they rest and return as usual for the soul reincarnates unto eternity .


Human beings simply can't comprehend absolutes.....like nothing-ness, for example, We simply can't comprehend our Universe as a complete void. Even more difficult to comprehend is even a void, or an emptiness simply doesn't exist. It's the same thing with Eternity. God always has been, still is, and always will be.....forever. The Bible tries to explain this. " To God, one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as one day." I take this to suggest God has no use for a wristwatch or a calendar.


The Christian God is Uncreated. Not a creature. How difficult can this be to understand? I argue with the premise, therefore have no need to answer what I perceive to be a false condition.