If we are born with a guardian angel, what is the point in seeking other entities like Jesus or God?


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"When you consciously summon an archangel by name, such as Michael, Ariel, or Gabriel, this energy comes to you from the source - the group consciousness from around the planet. Their energy can separate and manifest as a distinct personality based on your faith and beliefs, but the energy is truly one and from the same source. They manifest depending on the qualities you request, such as protection, healing, peace, and wisdom.

The different groups that humanity have labeled as angels, guardian angels, ascended masters and gods (eg: JESUS, BUDDHA, ISIS, MARY, ETC) DO NOT ACTUALLY EXIST AS SEPARATE INDIVIDUALS. They are “Beings of Light” that are multi-dimensional forms of integrated conscious energy.”



Because God created them to Serve Him and help You !!


A guardian angel is not a deity. Its job is to remind you when you are straying from the path of righteousness. Jesus is God and it is He you worship


Um, maybe.....

The Book of David2017-04-18T16:29:26Z

When you were young and your parents gave you a puppy, it never meant that you weren't allowed to play frisbee with mom and dad. Only that they were too busy for you most of the time, and wanted you out of the way until you were summoned.

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