What should I do about my anxiety?

Lately I been so nervous about a lot of things. April has been a bad month for me, and I am afraid that May will be even worse. I keep thinking about Trump blowing countries up with bombs, getting bombed by other countries, and people screaming at me. I can barely concentrate. Please help!


THERE is a saying, Life is not a matter of holding good cards but of playing a poor hand well. Today, no one has been dealt a perfect set of circumstances. Often the secret to gaining control is learning both to accept those circumstances and to work within the limitations that they impose. If you can reclaim some control of your life despite unfortunate circumstances, that is good. If your circumstances eventually improve, that is better. But the best is yet to come.

The Bible promises a time when all people will be able to have a satisfying measure of control over their life. They will be able to live to their full potential, uninhibited by frustrating circumstances, daily pressures, and negative feelings. (Isaiah 65:21, 22) The Bible refers to this as “the real life.”—1 Timothy 6:19.



You need a Safe Space, Snowflake.


Learn to have some self-discipline when it comes to your own thoughts. You CAN control them.

You can't control Trump or global politics. You can worry yourself into the psych-ward and it won't make one bit of difference. Or you can choose to focus your energy on things you CAN change and CAN control.

If you really can't learn to manage your own thoughts/anxiety, you need to seek mental health treatment.