A question for atheists, what would make an entity worthy of worship?

I would expect wisdom, kindness, fairness, humor, intelligence, a passion for justice, and above all sanity in an entity worthy of worship.

Those are obviously not characteristics of the biblical god.

Take as an example, the story of moses and the pharaoh. Moses demanded that his people be freed and then god "hardened the pharaoh's heart" so that he would not do as moses asked and then god punished the people of Egypt because the pharaoh's heart was hard. What a jerk!

I'm thinking George Burns, Morgan Freeman, or(dare I say it?) maybe even Edmund Gwenn!


Why should anyone have to "worship" anyone or anything?

Why are you so obsessed with worship?


Nothing makes an entity worthy of worship since the word implies a deity and there's no such thing. The characteristics you describe would make an entity admirable but I would stop short of worship.


talkin behind a pc i dont care, i just want to live my life, talking one on one to an all powerfull god like entity with the deal that if i worship it, it will bring me all the desires i want, my subconscious will kick in, and ill likely bow down and cry


ANY entity which demands worship is needy to a fault. Constant adoration is usually the domain of self absorbed teen-agers.


I think large deltoids are worthy of worship.