What's the worst that can happen if I install the wrong bake element for an oven?

I'm buying a new element off the internet, and as a person that likes to double check everything obsessively, I'm just curious as to whether installing the wrong element will simply cause the oven to not work properly, or if I should expect to see sparks flying as soon as I turn that dial.


Favorite Answer

It probably shouldn't be a problem. If the connections are close to the same, and the mounts line up, then it should work okay.

The operating voltage will probably be the same, so the element's heat output will be limited by its design current draw. So long as it isn't designed to pull more current at full power than the original element, it won't pose a threat to the existing control hardware.

NOTE: if your oven has electronic controls, it may be programmed to look for a specific range of resistance from the element. If the values it detects come up outside its "good" range, it may throw an error code and lock out the oven controls.

On the other hand if you have an old electric stove with regular mechanical controls, you could probably fake it with some Nichrome wire and insulated standoffs if you know what you're doing.

Good luck with it.

STEVEN F2017-04-29T00:11:06Z

The WORST that can happen is that the oven explodes and you kill half the neighborhood.
As elhigh stated, that isn't likely, but it is possible.