Why do females get mad if the toilet seat is up?

I am a 39 year old female and I am baffled by all of this anger from females over males leaving the toilet seat up. Just put it down yourself if it upsets you. You don't have him being mad at you for always leaving it down. Just. Put. It. Down. Yourself. Sheesh! It just takes a second or so to put it down. You can SEE it is up when you go to use the bathroom. Don't be a toilet tyrant. Put it down yourself.


My sisters don't

18 gibbs 202017-05-08T01:42:05Z

Thank you. I have never understood why it's supposed to be a guys responsibility to put it down. If you want it down put it down. As you said. Simple.


I hope your man purposefully leaves the toilet seat up EVERYTIME you need to go to the bathroom since you feel that way. :)~


You'll understand once you're in a hurry to take a dump/piss that you don't see the toilet seat down and fall into the water :) hopefully that happens to you soon, some guys have had that happened and try their best to put it back in its place. If you put it up why not put it back? Back. In. Its. Place. If you moved it then fix it. Using your logic here.


yes they are bossy control freaks ......and they have no right to demand .......im a female and hubby does put seat down..but not because i demanded ..i never even asked ,..he just does it ..but if he didnt..it would not worry me..like you said,id just put it down myself

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