Can a c4 corvette over 100,000 mileage be a daily driver?

So I'm saving to buy a c4 corvette online after I buy it i can reserve $600 a month towards all the necessities besides the rent because I plan on fully paying it off right when I get it. So is $600 a month enough for gas,insurance, and maintenance on it. Most cheap corvette's are c4's and over 100,000 mileage and I wanna drive it and I know compared to other sport cars the insurance isn't as high because their common.


Yes that can be a good daily driver. Everyone should own at least 1 Corvette

Skoda John2017-05-09T06:09:31Z

The big danger with these cars is hidden rust.
The body is bonded to the birdcage.
Get it well checked by a corvette expert. Rust in the birdcage makes the car very dangerous as it can break in two
It is also extreemly expensive to repair. Often far more than the value of the car.
These cars use a lot of fuel and have a relatively fragile automatic gearbox.



But, be ready to have it stolen. Car thieves LOVE to steal Corvettes.

Zachary M2017-05-09T05:44:32Z

idk bout corvettes, but its all about how the car was taken care of prior to you owning it. Ive been daily driving a lexus sc300 for a while now without any problems, and it has nearly 200k on the clock. 100k isnt that high for most cars


you are probably a youngster therefore the insurance rates WILL be very high............better get quotes before you do anything else

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