What should I pack for this trip?

In two or three years, a couple of my buddies are going on a 250 mile bike trip. One is hauling a child carrier for our food, but I want some extra, lightweight things for myself.

Basically, I need a decent list of the absolute essentials that I will need. Maybe include the amount of each? Include things live stove (maybe include brand), freeze dried or other food, sleeping/eating essentials, and good solar chargers.

Also, my friend thats bringing the carrier says he can haul 40-45 pounds, maybe more.

Thanks. I just want to be really prepared. :)

Rona Lachat2017-05-12T08:21:56Z

Then YOU decide what YOU NEED. What I pack is what I need.
You have 2 YEARS to figure it out.
You can easily by then take many overnight weekend adventures and try various arrangements of stuff.
Do I need to list bring a pot to cook in a plate to eat off of spoon to eat with.
Some reason you cannot step away from your computer and go to your nearby outdoor store and explore what they have.
WHY do you think you will like my choice of meal Items?
250 Mile trip means what? 2 days a week or what. Sleeping in hostels or a tent? Do you have a place to pitch your tent or did you plan on trespassing.

Is this some wilderness adventure or are you on road/ paths near civilization you can regularly restock supplies.

In the mountain or along the coast? Pack bike repair stuff like tools and a tube or two for your wheels a MAP..
Get a good Map Topographic one to show the hills. WATER Bottles LOTS of them.
Appropriate stuff for the weather. RAIN happens.Very hot days happen too.
Why can you not pull along a trailer too? You do not need to fill it to the brim.

Seriously why do you want my list of essentials. You do not know my survival skills training or experience at creative use of the stuff I take along.
You need FOOD/WATER, Clothing and shelter.
You can eat food cold from a can.
You can heat a can of food IN THE CAN (open it First) on a simple stove you need stove lighting thing. Matches or a lighter.
A WHISTLE a Mirror to signal for help.
In the woods? Some noisy things to scare off the wildlife bells are good for that.
Reflective marking on you and bike so car drivers can see you. A map
Did I mention bring a PAPER MAP your GEE PEE A S S may not work.
A Plan for if crap happens you have alternate way to get home.
List of stuff you NEED?
Depends on your budget ad exactly where this ride is.
Quality of products depends how often you might go on other adventures.

This should get you started.
See what you have and start getting stuff one at a time.
You really should take a few shorter trips to test out how to pack your stuff and use the things you take along.before your big adventure of many days out.