I have gas an I feel a really big flaggeration coming on but the last few times I let a huge flaggeration I crapped my pants! Help!?

The last 3 times I felt a huge flaggeration (thats the science word for toot or fart) coming on, I would push it out an it was hilarious, loud an smelly, but as soon as the flaggeration came out so did a terd or diarea!

Mom an dad yelled at me cause they said I am to old to crap my pants when I am 16 but it was a real accident!

An I dont want to go do flaggeration in the toilet in case I crap cause then I cant share it with my school mates!

This has upset me very much, I want to rip a great big fart in class an laugh when people gags an covers there noses but I dont want them to laugh at ME when I poop my pants! What can I do in this allfull situation?

Joseph B2017-05-11T13:22:01Z

Favorite Answer

As my mother told me years ago, sometimes you need to do those things sitting on a toilet.

Innocent Victim2017-05-11T15:03:21Z

The correct word is "flatulation". To my knowledge, "flaggeration" is not a word in English.