Why do you cry?

What makes you cry when you cry? Do you cry easily? Do you cry a lot? When was the last time you cried, and why? Are you crying now, and if so why?

To answer my own questions, lots of things make me cry. College stress, missing my family back home (I'm home for Summer now so these are non-issues at the moment), missing loved ones who have died, certain movies and songs make me cry. I would say I cry easily and fairly often. Last times I cried were yesterday morning when I was thinking about my dad and grandpa both of whom have passed away, and then again last night watching a movie with my gf. We were both crying hard. I'm not crying right now, but it certainly is not out of the realm of possibility.


Favorite Answer

I cry often (though not actually sobbing usually) because I'm really a marshmallow inside. I can easily make myself cry just by thinking about things that make me want to cry. I don't usually cry about things going on in my life (unless those things are really sh1tty which they haven't been lately). Sad, uplifting, sweet and beautiful things can make me cry. I sometimes won't share a story with a friend because I know I will cry when I am telling them about it.


Peeling Onions!
Remembering Loved Ones Who Have Died
Songs!Happy and Sad Songs
Tears Of Happiness,Relief,Joy,Emotion
I'm Only Human After All!
We wouldn't Be Human,If we didn't.


im going to answer this ? by ? Q-1 "a well done movie. steel magnolias graveyard scene, shreds me every time. that and when forrest is talking to jenny when she died on a Tuesday" I would say I cry easily, yes. not a lot, but a healthy amount. not now.


I cry very rarely.
In critical situations I'm too busy figuring out how to solve them so I don't even think about crying.
I lost a few very important people in my life who I love deeply.
But somehow, even though I think of them every day, I don't cry.
I usually remember some funny things or anecdotes so I usually talk about them and laugh.
But I always cry when watching "Schindler's List" or "The Imitation of Life".
Don't ask why, I have no idea.



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