So my boyfriend's younger brother is involved in the gaming community and he offered some people some type of service where he can sell people some items cheaper and these people agreed to pay him for the stuff (ex. computer monitors, mics, etc) and he said the stuff should be delivered to their houses within 1-2 weeks and if not then he would give these people a refund and the stuff "never came" so they think he scammed them and I don't know who to believe really but his brother owes (in total) like at least 1,000 dollars to all the people he "scammed" but he claimed that he paid these people already through paypal and that it's just "lagging" and one of the people who were affected came to MY BOYFRIENDS HOUSE to handle the situation and this guy said he drove like 40 mins to his house and nothing was resolved so the guy told my boyfriend if he didn't pay that he could go to jail for fraud and I just want to know if this is true? (these other guys claimed to have been to his house before to see where he lives) This is a matter of safety now so that is why i want to know. SORRY FOR THE LONG POST but I really want to know if he can get into some serious trouble here and he is 18.
Can this affect his legal status? He was born in the Philippines and is a permanent resident. Can he get deported for this?