Can we agree that, if there is a God, it exists separately from religion?

Anyone can see that religious people view God through the lens of their religion, but what I'm saying is that, again, if there is a God, it is not the same as any religion imagines it to be.


In my beliefs, all religions are man-made ways to reach out to (usually) God(s)... but we could never wrap our brain around the nature of the divine. We personify the God(s), we give them human names and human images and even put human words into their mouths. We try to connect to them, commune with them, worship and get close to them... but yeah, we all just have pieces to the puzzle. We're limited in our understanding, so we try to relate in a way that makes sense to us.


Yes. I am an agnostic atheist because there is no evidence that any gods of the current religions exist, but I completely agree. If gods or a god does exist, they or it would not be accurately represented by any of the religions ideas or image of what it is.


I believe you are correct. God is bigger then any human mind can imagine and put into a religion.


Deism is the term for when you think all the religions are wrong, but you still think there's a God. There aren't very many Deists.

Immune To Indoctrination2017-06-03T01:10:33Z

If all religions are wrong, whats your minimum requirement for what qualifies as 'God'. If it having created the universe is the criteria then can gravity be god? Because gravity created every star, every planet, etc. to ever exist.

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