Taxi vs Uber?

whats the difference? are their rates different.. I am sure they probably smell better in uber. you can call a taxi you can call/internet an uber. can someone explain?


- You book Uber online only.
- Uber is cheaper.
- In many large downtown areas, a car usually comes within two minutes.
- When you get to where you're going, you say thanks and get out. You're billed electronically and get a receipt.
- If you're taken on a roundabout route to pad the bill, every trip has a GPS track you can use for evidence and dispute resolution.
- You get to rate the driver. Bad drivers get dropped from the Uber program.

Taxi companies hate Uber because of the following (see above!)
- It exposes their inflated pricing
- They have to actually try to get to your location in a reasonable amount of time.
- No more taking passengers on a "ride" for a padded bill. They can't take advantage of visitors to the area.


Uber is cheaper. You can also bring your pets!


When there are no taxis to call blame uber the smell your talking about is bullshiit uber are the scabs of the taxi game.


The big difference between a taxi and an Uber is this. Taxis are run by large companies and they are regulated by state laws and regulations and they are required to have a business license and a special drivers license.

An Uber is just some guy with a car and lots of free time.