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Even avocados contain fat, but they're considered healthy fats, & in moderation are very good for you.
They help lower your LDL (bad) cholesterol.
Nut butters are similar & high fibre too.
Look for unsweetened organic versions.
Kyojin The Giant
Cat manure should do.
There's no such thing as fat free butter. And, to the best of my knowledge, there's no such thing as vegan butter. Butter is made with cream (which comes from cow's milk) and salt. Margarine is made mostly from hydrogenated vegetable fats, but has other ingredients that contain animal products. I'm talking about milk products.
Butter and margarine have fat in them. And neither of them are vegan (they both are either made from milk products, or have milk products added to them).
For the record: I'm not a vegan.
As close as you can come is probably Tapioca starch.
Maybe sunflower butter.