If God's so "real," where's he/she/it at?

"Outside of time and space" isn't an answer. It's just a convenient excuse to give for your inability to prove that you're correct. You don't really know what it is, where it is, how it is, why it is, or even if it exists in the way that you imagine it to.

If you're going to believe in something, believe in yourself, because that's the only cosmic entity that cares you exist.

This is your alarm clock to reality. It's time to wake up.

*Beep beep beep*


The fact of the matter, the reason why God is out of time and space is because God is Holy and God can not be around sin, or sinners, that is why he is not around us. God is Holy and pure, and when we did not sin God was with us in the beginning Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, but the moment that they sinned, they fell from grace and God can not be around sin, that is why God is outside of time and space. Only if the Lord Jesus Christ truly saves you then you will be taken out of the kingdom of Satan and into the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ where, you will be at peace with God.


no gods exist.

let the children blab about them all they like.

they need their "adult security blanket" to navigate life.

don't deny them their crutch -- look how badly they behave with it - imagine them without it.