Frustration with forgetting things?

To make a long story short, whenever I forget what I was going to say to someone (whether it be important or unimportant) it drives me to the point of mental frustration where I will constantly obsess over what I forgot. I will be trying to remember what I was going to say 24/7, and I literally mean 24/7. This has been tormenting mentally for a while now, and I was wondering if anyone else has a similar problem and knows how to cope? Thanks!


If you want to remember but it eludes you, instead of trying really hard to force the thought to resurface, just let it go.

Let it go and it will somewhat "magically" come to you the majority of the time after a brief thoughtless period.

I know that it's a difficult habit to break, but this "letting go" is necessary for your mental health. It will drive you mad! Also, if you're always thinking of what you're going to say next, you might not be paying too much attention to the person speaking.

Treat your mind and thoughts like a pure maiden rather than a rough prostitute. Don't try to beat the thought into submission.