I am wonder if atheists feel guilty about ruining Ken Ham's Ark Encounter?

It seems that Ham is claiming that they are doing good business, but they are not doing good business because people lie and say they are not doing good business, which keeps them from doing good business. I thought that their announcing layoffs was a larger signal that they are having problems, but they say is those darn atheists. https://answersingenesis.org/ministry-news/ark-encounter/secularist-media-war-against-ark-continues/


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Wasn't Ham the son who "saw the nakedness of his father"?

Interesting that our Ken chooses to celebrate his incestuous buggery.


Not at all, his Ark was his choice to build. It had nothing to do with us.


I don't feel guilty and I've never been anywhere near Kentucky. As I see it, Ken Ham deserves to fail for squandering his life and his investor's resources on perpetuating ancient superstition. Is there anyone who doesn't know that the Bible was created by the fourth century Catholics to substantiate Rome's last state sponsored religion. The Bible is ancient political propaganda, plain and simple and Mister Ham bet big on pretending Emperor Constantine's ancient fraud was the truth.

five toed sloth2017-06-14T20:18:52Z

I think he needs to thank atheists. From what I've seen and read, hundreds of atheists have visited his Ark Encounter.

Now they might have visited just to take the piss, but they paid good money to do so!

If I was ever passing that way, I'd definitely pay a visit.


Ham is a Christian and that means he has to have a scapegoat for his problems.

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