3rd Eye? You need light to see with correct? What eye do you see dreams with? Your eyes are closed when sleeping. How do you see the dream?

Let's talk about a business plan and getting a loan to start it. The bank wants a business plan written out. It has to be precisely written out so that they have a clear vision of your business, correct? Well, if it isn't created in your reality, how can they see it clearly? Is it drawn out like a picture? How can you get them to see it and what eye do they see that with?

A visionary is different than a dreamer by way of bringing the dream into reality. Well, what eye is that which the visionary sees his vision? Could that be a third eye which you can't see.

The eyes have rods and pons which picks up the frequencies outside of you and the brain interprets it and gives you sight. Well, what is insight? The thalamus and pineal gland are made of the same rods and pons as the physical eyes. Is it possible that this gives inner sight for visionaries to create the image they see inside their heads? I know there is a 3rd eye because EYE see with it things others don't see. I ask again. What eye do you see dreams with when you are sleeping? The eyes are closed.


Favorite Answer

Without the truth we are blind, thus in the dark!

"And the EYES of them both [Adam and Eve, man and woman] were opened, and they knew that they were naked...The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!" (Genesis 3:7, Matthew 6:22-23)

Great question!!!

Robert J2017-06-18T19:37:21Z

No "eye" it is not literally vision - it's memory and imagination.

Beyond your actual retinas, what you see with your eyes is just nerve impulses. Your brain can store and manipulate memories of those impulses - what you have seen - so you can recall them in future.

Your brain also produces or recalls images (and sounds) while you are dreaming; again,memories and imagination.

It's the same as you being able to think about a piece of music you know or someones voice and "hear" it in your mind; it's no connection at all with your ears then, just memories and nerve pathways in your brain.

Descriptive phrases such as "having visions" or "the minds eye" are non-scientific ways of describing something, not in any way technically accurate.

Or to use a rough analogy; if you take photos or 3D scan an object, the data from those can be "memorised" - stored on a hard drive or flash memory - in a computer and viewed or manipulated with the camera or scanner connected.

Either way, once the image is captured, the "capture device" is no longer needed to recall it.


I once had a mate who had the third eye. He had plenty of visions with his eyes closed. And he had more and better visions depending on how much smack he had ingested.


Hold that dealer and don't let them go.


The brain sees the image , not the eyes. The eyes only collect the light refection from what we are looking at then the brain interprets it into a meaningful image. No frequencies , just light reflection.

We have imaginations, memories ,which are all brain functions , the brain is a miraculous organ . It doesn't need a third eye nonsense.

You don't seem to understand the functions and powers of the brain.

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