Port my cell phone number over to an answering service- RingCentral, etc.?

Own a business, my business number is my personal cellphone. I am looking to hire someone to handle answering phones, customer service, etc. I would like to keep my cellphone number and move it to a service like RingCentral or Google Voice. I want the ability to add a cellphone number or landline number, and have it ring those numbers. If no one picks up the phone, it will go to voicemail. Would also like the ability to use the number the customer calls to show up on their caller ID when my employees or I call them back, preferably from cellphones.


I'm actually looking for suggestions on services, or ways to accomplish this.

G. Whilikers2017-06-19T00:17:00Z

Favorite Answer

Yes, you can do that. The same rules that allow you to move to another cellular provider allow you to port your number to RingCentral, and if it turns out you don't like them you can port it back out as long as you're paid up and in good standing. Before doing all this, investigate all their materials and ask *them* if the service will do what you're asking.

But here's how you would do it. Start by setting up a second cellular phone number, while keeping your main phone number intact, and still paying for it. A new SIM in a used phone would be perfect. Then sign up for the answering service, using your second phone number for paperwork, authentication, receiving calls, etc. Give it a good workout and then port the main number. Your favorite phone is now free to use the new number's SIM as its own.


Go right ahead.