Hello! I have a 5 year old chihuahua puppy. He has a sad ear, shakes his head a lot and he sees the ear canal a little red and ....?

I have a 5 year old chihuahua puppy. He has a sad ear, shakes his head a lot and he sees the ear canal a little red and irritated. I already cleaned it and noticed that it hurts. What can be? What can I do for her?


sounds like an ear infection. the vet will give antibiotics and maybe ear drops.
take him


Leave the ear alone and take it to a vet for a proper diagnosis/treatment. We're not vets, and you may well be exacerbating the condition and possibly making a proper diagnosis even more difficult.


Mmmm Firstly FIVE yr old puppies do not exist SO.......How bout taking it to a qualified vet as you shouldnt be putting anything smaller than your elbow in any dogs ear. Without knowing the damage you can do....that is

Country GIRL2017-06-19T02:25:46Z

This little dog needs to see the vet asap she /he could have ear mites , an infection or another dog type ear condition which all requires a trip to the vet to get a proper diagnose and treatment(s)


Your puppy/dog needs a vet. He/she very likely has an ear infection. They are very painful and require veterinary treatment.